Community Guidelines

Community Guidelines.

Welcome to the Cupid Media community!

Being part of our global community means that we are committed to ensuring that you feel welcomed, safe, and free to be yourself. We expect our members to be respectful, kind, and honest when interacting and using our Service. If members don’t adhere to these guidelines, they will be prohibited from the site/s. Every member across the Cupid Media Services will be held to the same standard. Violation of our Community Guidelines could result in the offending account’s termination or being banned from our Service’s future usage.

Our Community Guidelines must be read in conjunction with our Terms of Use. If you see anyone in violation of these Community Guidelines, please report them to us immediately. Listed below are our community policies you must abide by if you are using our Service.

Profile content and use:


You must be over 18 years of age to register and use our Service. If you are found to be underage, your account will be immediately removed and banned. If you encounter someone who has indicated they are under the age of 18, we ask that you please report it to keep both them and our community safe.

Profile accuracy

We encourage members to provide accurate information about themselves. You must not impersonate any person, misrepresent your age or marital status, or put information in your profile that is false or misleading in any way.

Profile information

Your profile (including your name, profile heading and profile text) must not contain offensive, hateful, obscene, illegal or inappropriate content. Your profile content must not contain content promoting terrorism, discussing politics, advocating violence or advocating self-harm. Your profile must not contain any content or links that infringes someone else’s copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights, e.g., music, movies, videos, photographs, images, software, literary works, etc.

Multiple Accounts

You must not create multiple accounts. You are permitted to maintain one unique profile per website we operate. Members with any duplicate accounts will be terminated. Furthermore, you must not attempt to use an account that isn’t yours.

Profile purpose

Your profile must be used for genuine dating or relationship-seeking purposes. Profiles that are not used for genuine dating or relationship-seeking purposes will be terminated. You must not engage in solicitation of any money, gifts or items of monetary value on your profile. We do not allow profiles used for “sugar daddy” relationships, dowries or similar purposes. On certain websites, we do not allow profiles used for marriage seeking to comply with legislation in certain jurisdictions.

Profile ownership

Your profile should be created for use by only you; you may not sell access to your account or otherwise transfer the account to someone else.


Photos that you upload must be accurate and not harmful in any way. The images that you submit must be of you.

You must not submit images that:

  • Contain any person other than you
  • Contain nudity
  • Are overly sexually suggestive
  • Glorify violence
  • Contain contact information of any form
  • Are inappropriate or offensive
  • Contain children/minors
  • Are subject to copyright of another person
  • Are of drugs and drug paraphernalia
  • Are photoshopped or digitally edited

Violation of any of these conditions may result in your photo being disapproved. In some cases, it may result in your account being terminated.


Communication with customer service

When speaking to our customer service employees, you must not be abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, threatening, harassing or racially offensive.

Should you engage in offensive conduct, we will have the right to terminate your membership immediately.

Communication with other members

When speaking to other members on and off-site, you must not be abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, threatening, harassing or racially offensive. You must not send any unsolicited messages of a sexual nature. You must not transmit any messages promoting terrorism, advocating violence, or advocating self-harm. You must not communicate to solicit prostitution or engage in human trafficking. You must not send spam, messages promoting services or products, or messages providing any links to external websites to promote a service or product. This includes promoting businesses, non-profit organizations, political parties or associations of any kind.

We may report communication relating to any illegal activity to the appropriate Law Enforcement Agency.


You must not use the Service to engage in any form of harassment or offensive behaviour, including, but not limited to, the distribution of any sexually or racially offensive, abusive, threatening, vulgar, obscene, harassing, libellous, slanderous, defamatory or objectionable material of any kind. You must not repeatedly contact someone who has blocked you or expressed that they no longer want to communicate with you. You must not create duplicate accounts as a means to harass another member.

No communication with minors

All people registering or using our Service are required to be over 18. We enforce additional policies to protect minors further.

You must not engage in any form of inappropriate communication or communication of a sexual nature with an underage person. This communication includes underage friends, relatives or associates of people who are adults and members of this website. You must not use this website to solicit any person to communicate with or locate any underage to form a friendship, relationship, or inappropriately interacting with that minor.

We will report details of any illegal or inappropriate communications or inappropriate behaviour with a minor to the appropriate Law Enforcement Agency.

Account safety

Members who don’t follow suitable safety protocols put other members at risk of scamming and encouraging other members’ bad behaviour. You must always operate your account safely and securely, which includes abiding by these Community Guidelines.

Sending money

You must not send money or provide your financial information to any person you have communicated with or met via our Service.

If anyone tries to solicit money or obtain your financial information, report them to us immediately.


You must not use the Service to distribute, promote, or otherwise publish any material containing any solicitation for funds, advertising, or solicitation for goods. Doing so will result in your account being terminated.

Site security and access

You must not share your password or allow anyone to access your account or do anything else that might put your account at risk.

You must not post or transmit material containing viruses or other computer codes, files, or programs designed to limit or destroy any computer software or hardware functionality.

You must not use non-human or automated bots to login to or otherwise use the Service.

Account dormancy

We periodically terminate dormant accounts. Ensure that you log in regularly to ensure that your account stays active; otherwise, it may be deactivated.

Reporting abuse or violation of our Community Guidelines

You may report abuse or violation of our Community Guidelines by completing our contact form. You can also report a member directly from their profile or message. Please refer to our online help page for more details on how to report abuse.

When reporting another member, please provide as much information and evidence as you can.

Additional information on staying safe

For more dating safety information, please visit the following website:

Please refer to our Terms and Condition and Privacy Statement for further information, terms, and definitions.